Cumberland County, ME

Action Areas Pretrial Services Victims Women in Jail

Last Updated

Background & Approach

Cumberland County in southern Maine is the state’s most populous county and contains Portland, the economic center of the state. Cumberland County established Project Safe Release, a partnership between the pretrial service agency, the domestic violence resource center Through These Doors, and the jail to assist justice-involved women. The project assists justice-involved women and works to understand their histories of victimization. The program connects these women with essential services, risk and needs assessments, and trauma-informed safety planning.

Cumberland County continues to engage with the Safety and Justice Challenge Network to rethink and redesign its criminal justice system so that it is more fair, just, and equitable for all.

Lead Agency

Maine Pretrial Services, Inc.

Contact Information

Shawn P. LaGrega, Jen LaChance, Jenny Stasio


Through These Doors, Cumberland County Sheriff's Office

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