Eau Claire County, WI

Action Areas Behavioral Health Diversion

Last Updated

Background & Approach

Eau Claire County’s primary challenges, among many, will be aligning mental health services upfront in real time to include government and community support to this approach.

We will focus on key community and system partners who need to be engaged in sequential intercept mapping to identify gaps, set goals, and determine strategies to reach those goals. Once this is done, we need to build diversion options such as specialty crisis facilities with the focus on diverting away from jail or the criminal justice system and refocus towards community solutions.

Lead Agency

Eau Claire County Criminal Justice Collaborating Council

Contact Information

Tiana Glenna,


Criminal Justice Collaborating Council, County Administrator, District Attorney, Wisconsin State Public Defender, County Board Supervisor, Police Department, Sheriff’s Department, Jail, Department of Human Services, Jail Health Nurse, Department of Corrections, Community treatment provider, County mental health clinic