San Juan County, NM

Action Areas Behavioral Health Diversion

Last Updated

Background & Approach

As part of the Impact Network, San Juan County is committed to addressing the lack of resources available to Law Enforcement when officers are called to handle individuals in a mental health crisis. Currently, the hospital is the only place where the immediate need can be addressed. Unfortunately, far too often these individuals are released and later arrested with criminal charges, resulting in detention stays.

San Juan County plans to work closely with community stakeholders to create a Sequential Intercept Model that will identify the gaps in services available to individuals with mental health issues. In addition to the gaps, the county is interested in identifying the services that are available to treat mental health issues and how these services can best be utilized to provide care and treatment to those individuals needing assistance. As part of development of the SIM, the county plans to identify a system for data collection that will assist stakeholders in tracking the needs in the county as well as the ability to use that information to apply for funding for a Mental Health Drop In Center.

Lead Agency

San Juan County Behavioral Health Services Department

Contact Information

Megan Cullip
Community Health & Social Service Director, San Juan County Community Health & Social Services Department


San Juan County Sheriff Dept. District Attorney’s Office, Public Defenders Office, 11th Judicial Court and Problem-Solving Court Programs, Adult Detention Center, Farmington Police Dept.