Solano County, CA

Action Areas Diversion Interagency Collaboration Mental Health

Last Updated

Background & Approach

Solano County, located at the midpoint between San Francisco and Sacramento, is engaged in both the SJC IMPACT Network and California Expansion Network. Prior to joining the IMPACT Network, the county developed initiatives related to early intervention and law enforcement responses, including Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training for law enforcement and a county-wide mobile crisis team. The county also established diversion and reentry programs. Solano County has invested in various evidence-based practices and tools to support the justice-involved population with behavioral health needs. These practices include drug and mental health courts, medication-assisted treatment in jails, expansion of permanent supportive housing, peer support, and data collection within the jail. Through the IMPACT Network, Solano County is focusing on building coordination and transparency across multiple new legislative changes and requirements, including the civil Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Court and the recently approved CalAIM Justice-Involved Reentry Initiative (Medicaid 1115 waiver), which allows justice-involved individuals to enroll in Medi-Cal and receive targeted services in the 90 days preceding their release.

Lead Agency

Solano County Department of Health and Social Services, Behavioral Health Division

Contact Information

Emery Cowan Chief Deputy, Behavioral Health Director, Solano County Department of Health & Social Services


Superior Court of California, County of Solano; Solano Sheriff’s Office; Solano County Probation; Solano County Public Defender’s Office; Solano County District Attorney’s Office; Solano County Health and Social Services, Behavioral Health Division; NAMI Solano