
Browse or search our library of research, data, and resources for the latest information on all aspects of local criminal justice reform—from racial disparities to women in jails to mental health.

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COVID Data Analysis Jail Populations March 21, 2023

Jail Populations, Violent Crime, and COVID-19

Sana Khan, Emily West, Stephanie Rosoff, CUNY Institute for State & Local Governance

On average, SJC cities and counties successfully reduced jail populations without jeopardizing community safety.


Racial Disparities March 8, 2023

Exploring Latino/a Representation in Local Criminal Justice Systems: A Review of Data Collection Practices and Systems-Involvement

Nancy Rodriguez and Rebecca Tublitz

Today, just under one in five people in the U.S. self-identify as being of Latino origin. Yet, remarkably, despite the size and diversity of the Latino population in the U.S., we do not know how many Hispanic and Latino people are arrested. That’s because we are still not collecting the data in enough detail. The […]

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Costs of Jailing

The growth of jails has been costly in many ways.

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Community Engagement Costs Housing

November 22, 2021

Funding Housing Solutions to Reduce Jail Incarceration

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Data Analysis Jail Populations Pretrial and Bail

May 13, 2021

Connection to Care in a Municipal Jail Setting

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Data Analysis Jail Populations Pretrial and Bail

November 19, 2020

Dollars and Sense In Cook County

Innovation Case Studies

Case studies prepared by the Urban Institute show how small-scale innovations in policy and practice are helping to reduce reliance on jail incarceration across the Safety and Justice Challenge Network.

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Community Engagement Crime

February 8, 2024

Redefining Community Safety in Missoula, Montana

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Issue Brief

Frequent Jail Users Frequent Utilizers Human Toll of Jail Jail Populations Mental Health

July 25, 2023

Recommendations To Reduce Frequent Jail Contact

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Bail Community Engagement Crime Data Analysis Featured Jurisdictions Human Toll of Jail Jail Populations Pretrial and Bail Pretrial and Jails Pretrial Justice Pretrial Services Racial Disparities

July 1, 2022

Expanding Supervised Release in New York City

Jail Growth

Jail incarceration and jail admissions have grown dramatically since the 1970s. In many parts of the country, the growth continues unabated.

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Data Analysis Incarceration Trends Jail Populations

January 17, 2024

Turning Local Data into Meaningful Reforms

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Issue Brief

Frequent Jail Users Frequent Utilizers Human Toll of Jail Jail Populations Mental Health

July 25, 2023

Recommendations To Reduce Frequent Jail Contact

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Data Analysis Jail Populations Racial Disparities

November 18, 2022

Measuring Progress: Declining Populations, Rising Disparities

Jail Overview

Local jails are the gateway to the criminal justice system, and a major component and driver of mass incarceration.

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Incarceration Trends Presumption of Innocence Pretrial and Bail Pretrial and Jails Pretrial Justice Pretrial Services

October 12, 2022

Cages Without Bars

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Courts Data Analysis Frequent Jail Users Incarceration Trends Probation Sanctions

May 5, 2022

Trends in Jail Incarceration for Probation Violations

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Data Analysis Human Toll of Jail Pretrial and Bail

September 9, 2020

In the Shadows: A Review of the Research on Plea Bargaining

Mental Illness and Substance Abuse in Jails

Jails have become the “treatment of last resort” for people struggling with mental illness and addiction.

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Issue Brief

Frequent Jail Users Frequent Utilizers Human Toll of Jail Jail Populations Mental Health

July 25, 2023

Recommendations To Reduce Frequent Jail Contact

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Data Analysis Human Toll of Jail Substance Abuse

January 26, 2021

Overdose Deaths and Jail Incarceration

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Issue Brief

Data Analysis Human Toll of Jail Mental Health

August 1, 2019

Mental Health: The Legislative Primer Series for Front End Justice

Poverty and Homelessness in Jail

Jails are often de facto warehouses for people without money or stable housing.

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Data Analysis Homelessness Human Toll of Jail

August 12, 2020

No Access to Justice: Breaking the Cycle of Homelessness and Jail

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Data Analysis Jail Populations Pretrial and Bail

August 26, 2019

Arrest, Release, Repeat: How police and jails are misused to respond to social problems

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Issue Brief

Data Analysis Human Toll of Jail Young Adults

August 1, 2019

Young Adults in the Justice System: The Legislative Primer Series for Front-End Justice

Racial Inequity

People of color—particularly Black people and their communities—suffer disproportionately from America’s overuse of jails.

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Issue Brief

Costs Data Analysis Immigration

May 23, 2023

Immigration Enforcement Policies and Detainer Trends in SJC Sites

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Diversion Incarceration Trends Probation Sanctions

January 12, 2023

Probation Violations as Drivers of Jail Incarceration in St. Louis County, Missouri

Results from the Safety and Justice Challenge Network

Interim results from cities and counties participating in the Safety and Justice Challenge show that jail incarceration can be reduced without compromising public safety, and that local justice systems can be made fairer in the process.

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COVID Data Analysis Incarceration Trends Jail Populations

July 11, 2024

Updated Findings on Jail Reform, Violent Crime and the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Community Engagement Crime

February 8, 2024

Redefining Community Safety in Missoula, Montana

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Data Analysis Incarceration Trends Jail Populations

January 17, 2024

Turning Local Data into Meaningful Reforms

Women in Jail

Women are the fastest growing correctional population in the country.

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Pretrial Services Victims Women in Jail

July 11, 2023

Implementing Domestic Violence Peer-Support Programs In Jail

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Data Analysis Interagency Collaboration Women in Jail

March 27, 2020

Assisting Women throughout the Justice Continuum

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Data Analysis Jail Populations Women in Jail

October 30, 2019

Women’s Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2019