
Collaboration Community Engagement Racial and Ethnic Disparities October 26, 2021

A Path Toward Safe and Equitable Cities

National League of Cities

In February of 2021, the National League of Cities launched the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force made up of local leaders from across the country to reimagine how they ensure public safety in their communities.

Over several months, we held meetings and listening sessions – digging deep into what cities, experts and communities were feeling, uplifting and doing to move toward a more equitable vision of public safety.

Reimagining public safety is about evolving public safety systems, sustaining positive reforms, and managing this heavy task along with the daily challenges of local elected officials.

To fulfill the promise of this unique moment, the NLC Reimagining Public Safety Task Force recommends that city leaders consider acting in five interrelated areas based on local landscapes and community needs:

  • Direct municipal government leadership toward providing safety and well-being for all.
  • Balance the respective roles of government agencies, residents and partners.
  • Significantly expand the use of civilian-led and community-based well-being and prevention-focused strategies.
  • Embrace full and transparent oversight and accountability for law enforcement.
  • Seek guidance and support from peers and experts with the assistance of the National League of Cities.