Eau Claire County, WI

Action Areas Behavioral Health Diversion

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Background & Approach

Eau Claire County’s primary challenges, among many, will be aligning mental health services upfront in real time to include government and community support to this approach.

We will focus on key community and system partners who need to be engaged in sequential intercept mapping to identify gaps, set goals, and determine strategies to reach those goals. Once this is done, we need to build diversion options such as specialty crisis facilities with the focus on diverting away from jail or the criminal justice system and refocus towards community solutions.

Lead Agency

Eau Claire County Criminal Justice Collaborating Council

Contact Information

Tiana Glenna,


Criminal Justice Collaborating Council, County Administrator, District Attorney, Wisconsin State Public Defender, County Board Supervisor, Police Department, Sheriff’s Department, Jail, Department of Human Services, Jail Health Nurse, Department of Corrections, Community treatment provider, County mental health clinic

San Juan County, NM

Action Areas Behavioral Health Diversion

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Background & Approach

As part of the Impact Network, San Juan County is committed to addressing the lack of resources available to Law Enforcement when officers are called to handle individuals in a mental health crisis. Currently, the hospital is the only place where the immediate need can be addressed. Unfortunately, far too often these individuals are released and later arrested with criminal charges, resulting in detention stays.

San Juan County plans to work closely with community stakeholders to create a Sequential Intercept Model that will identify the gaps in services available to individuals with mental health issues. In addition to the gaps, the county is interested in identifying the services that are available to treat mental health issues and how these services can best be utilized to provide care and treatment to those individuals needing assistance. As part of development of the SIM, the county plans to identify a system for data collection that will assist stakeholders in tracking the needs in the county as well as the ability to use that information to apply for funding for a Mental Health Drop In Center.

Lead Agency

San Juan County Behavioral Health Services Department

Contact Information

Megan Cullip
Community Health & Social Service Director, San Juan County Community Health & Social Services Department


San Juan County Sheriff Dept. District Attorney’s Office, Public Defenders Office, 11th Judicial Court and Problem-Solving Court Programs, Adult Detention Center, Farmington Police Dept.

Middlesex County Working to Solve the Question of “Divert-to-What?” Through Stakeholder Collaboration

By: Peter J. Koutoujian, Danna Mauch, PhD

Behavioral Health Collaboration Diversion Frequent Jail Users December 2, 2021

For years we have witnessed an increase in the number law enforcement interactions with individuals in the community with unaddressed behavioral health challenges. Conversely, there remain far too few alternatives to unnecessary arrest or transport to the emergency department.

Middlesex County, in Eastern Massachusetts, is New England’s most populous county. Our criminal justice and behavioral health leaders recognized the need improve capacity and access to behavioral healthcare in the community. In 2018, the Massachusetts legislature created the Middlesex County Restoration Center Commission to develop a pilot that would help solve the “divert-to-what?” question. In Middlesex County, the sheriff’s office offers evidence-based programing and treatment for incarcerated individuals, but individuals should not have to go to jail to receive the services they need.

We are grateful to have recently been invited to join the Safety and Justice Challenge’s new IMPACT behavioral health cohort, to share some of the lessons we have learned, and learn from our partner jurisdictions in this impressive network. The Commission has just entered its fourth year of work, and our path forward will be made easier through this tremendous peer exchange opportunity.

One of the biggest lessons we have learned, and hope to pass along to our partner jurisdictions, is the importance of improving collaboration and communication across siloed fields like public safety and behavioral health. All too often, addressing behavioral health needs of the community remains in traditional agency siloes. From the sheriff’s office to mental health service providers and police departments to peer and advocacy organizations, it is only this kind of collaboration that is able to stop people from falling through the cracks.

Middlesex County has 1.6 million people with 54 different police departments spread across urban, suburban, and rural areas. We are fortunate to have the progressive leadership of our police chiefs focused on diverting individuals away from the criminal justice system and into treatment. Similarly, we are fortunate to have a health and human services community poised to step up to increase outreach and engagement, to partner with public safety, and to provide appropriate assessment, treatment, stabilization, and support services to affected individuals.

In an effort to shift the responsibility back to the behavioral health community, we knew it was necessary to develop a model that knit together services in a way that made them easily accessible to both the public and local law enforcement. We wanted to move away from the traditional model of stabilization and release from the emergency department. The Restoration Center will offer both stabilization as well as a comprehensive assessment to inform referral to treatment so the needs of individuals can be appropriately met. Our goal is not only to stop the cycle of unnecessary incarceration but also to help individuals stay healthy enough that they do not have to return to the center.

After years of planning and implementation our goal is to launch a pilot Restoration Center in 2022. We believe we are well positioned to launch the model we have developed in large part due to our commitment to the cross-sector planning process which started with identifying gaps in the delivery of behavioral healthcare, a cost-benefit analysis, and interviews with individuals with lived experience. Through our state legislature, we were successful in securing initial funding as well as a trust fund that will allow the Commission to accept third-party funding.

Now that the Commission’s 2022 budget includes $1 million in funding for the pilot – endorsed by a recent editorial in the Boston Globe, we can begin our work of identifying a provider. We continue to pursue additional funding to ensure that we can implement a full range of services identified as critical to the success of individuals who might otherwise be arrested or hospitalized.

The center will provide behavioral health services to individuals in mental health or substance use crisis. These services will help support ongoing law enforcement efforts across the county to divert individuals with behavioral health conditions from arrest or unnecessary hospitalization.

Local law enforcement and corrections have shouldered this burden for far too long, with over 70 percent of people in our Middlesex Jail & House of Correction having an open mental health case and 80 percent have a history of substance use.  Each and every one of these individuals receives treatment while incarcerated, but these are services that people should be able to access in the community. Our hope is that the Restoration Center will help stop the cycle of unnecessary incarceration.

We attribute a lot of the success of the Middlesex County Restoration Center Commission to the commitment of our diverse stakeholder group. It is not common to have a sheriff co-chair a legislative commission with the president of a mental health advocacy group. It is also unusual to get representatives of the 80 largest behavioral health providers at the county, police chiefs, the chief administrative justice of the trial court, and key state legislators at that table. And sustaining the focus on a challenging goal for over three years is the rarest thing of all. But that is what it takes.

Unfortunately, political will is often the hardest thing to secure. But we owe it to the people falling through the cracks to get it right.

Lake County, IL

Change in Jail Population 13%

Action Areas Behavioral Health Collaboration Community Engagement Racial and Ethnic Disparities

Last Updated


Lake County joined the Safety and Justice Challenge to help reduce incarceration rates for individuals with low-risk, non-violent charges, and to address racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal justice system. The reliance on detention in jail disrupts the stability of individuals, their families, and the community at large while also leading to higher re-arrest rates and worse case outcomes with more back-end incarceration.

According to several independent analyses, individuals being detained pretrial and people with unmet behavioral health needs were primary drivers of the Lake County jail population. In 2017, 80% of people in jail were detained pretrial with an average length of stay of 19 days and only 5% of the jail population remained in custody for less than 3 days. A May 2018 snapshot revealed that 44% of the jail population in custody had cash bonds over $50,000.

An additional independent analysis of 2018 jail admissions indicated that Black adults were 8.5 times more likely than white adults to be admitted to jail, while Latino adults were 1.9 times more likely than white adults to be admitted to jail. Similarly, an analysis of 2019 jail admissions indicate Black people made up 35% of jail admissions and only 7% of the Lake County population.

Lake County stakeholders, convened by the Sheriff’s Office, collectively decided it was time to take action and address pretrial detention, behavioral health needs contributing to system involvement, and racial and ethnic disparities.


Since joining the Safety and Justice Challenge, Lake County has advanced a number of strategies to rethink and redesign its criminal justice system so that it is more fair, just, and equitable for all.



In 2021, Lake launched a police drop-off center to divert people in mental health/co-occurring substance use crisis from the criminal justice system. The Wellness Center builds on a previous strategy to provide a warm handoff for people exiting jail, as a way to provide upstream diversion options that had been missing. It will serve as a hub for community partners to increase health, equity, and health literacy.



COAST (Crisis Outreach and Support Team) expands an existing mobile co-responder program that dispatches a social worker and sheriff’s deputy to follow up with individuals who encountered law enforcement while suffering mental health/substance use crises. Co-responders can provide a warm handoff to the Wellness Center for linkage to services and continue to follow up with clients for 60-90 days.



The county improved pretrial decision-making by providing more comprehensive information at the first court appearance, including a completed assessment and pretrial services report. The goal is to provide a risk assessment on 75% of people appearing in bond court. This strategy also includes a program to provide court date reminders to increase court appearance rates.



Lake County began addressing racial and ethnic disparities in the justice system by first collecting data to better understand the challenges and inform their approach. An Equity Team of community members and system actors was created to begin developing a plan to reduce disparities, incorporate community voices, and increase trust and communication between the justice system and the community.



The CJCC was formed in 2019 and includes community members and system actors who collaboratively review data trends in the jail population and work to identify areas for potential system intervention (e.g., pretrial reform, domestic violence, overdoses). The CJCC meets quarterly, shifting to virtual meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic.



Lake County has been working to increase data capacity and transparency. In response to feedback from the CJCC, the Sheriff’s Office launched a public-facing jail data dashboard that includes admissions and release data broken down by categories such as race and ethnicity, gender, age, and offense type. The State’s Attorney’s Office is also working to build a public-facing dashboard.


Lake County has made progress towards its goal of improving the criminal justice system, particularly in the areas of reducing the jail population during the COVID-19 pandemic, improving pretrial release decision-making, addressing community engagement and equity, and creating and enhancing behavioral health treatment options.

Quartery ADP for Lake County (2018-2025)

12.9% from baseline

More Results

Lake County achieved a modest reduction in their average daily jail population as they began implementing their SJC strategies. The initial planning and implementation work paved the way for a quick system response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Spring 2020 and sustained efforts into 2021. Since the pandemic began, Lake County has maintained an average monthly ADP around 18% below their baseline.

In order to look outside the system to the community impacts, Lake County partnered with community researchers to conduct preliminary outreach and learn about the issues most important to the community. This initial effort prompted the Lake County Equity Team to look deeper at data to identify potential intervention points in the pretrial phase. The Team decided to explore existing data around failures to appear for court hearings and has partnered with researchers to learn more about the reasons why people don’t appear, in order to identify potential policy and practices changes that best support hearing attendance.

Participation in the Safety and Justice Challenge also increased collaboration and connection between criminal justice system actors and the community in Lake County’s efforts to rethink its justice system.

Lake County recognized it was critical to meet people’s behavioral health needs to help them avoid more system involvement or keep them out of the system entirely. To that end, Lake County worked tirelessly to launch the Living Room Wellness Center and expand the COAST program.

The Wellness Center will be open 24/7 with clinical staff available, many of whom have lived experience with the justice system, and will serve as both a walk-in facility and police-drop off for crisis intervention services. It is an exciting program that centers the justice-involved person and seeks to provide a holistic approach. The COAST program is also expanding to include a peer support specialist who works with the social worker and sheriff’s deputy to provide follow up support after a person has an opioid overdose or is in a mental health crisis and has a law enforcement encounter.

A critical component to the future success of the Wellness Center was crisis intervention team (CIT) training for Sheriff’s deputies. Between 2018 and 2021, 99% of deputies were trained in CIT to best position officers to effectively communicate and de-escalate situations with individuals in crisis.

Remaining Challenges

There are always challenges when implementing system reform efforts and Lake County is focused on meeting the challenges head on. Criminal justice system partners will continue to address concerns about how best to keep the community safe, while valuing every person’s rights and human dignity.

Additionally, while the jail population declined under COVID-19, the pandemic continues to have a significant impact on every aspect of the county’s local justice system and uniquely affects incarcerated people. Through their SJC work, Lake has laid a foundation of collaborative, data-driven strategies, including the necessary internal infrastructure and local stakeholders supportive of the work, and positioned the county to respond to the pandemic swiftly and effectively.

Moving forward, Lake County will continue to emphasize the importance of improving data capacity and transparency to inform future system improvements and implement best practices that reduce the jail population while working towards eliminating systematic racial and ethnic disparities.

Lead Agency

Lake County Sheriff’s Office

Contact Information

Anthony Vega


Lake County Sheriff's Office, Lake County State's Attorney's Office, 19th Judicial Circuit Court & Adult Probation/Pretrial Division, Lake County Public Defender, Lake County Health Department, Nicasa Behavior Health Services, and the Healthcare Foundation of Northern Lake County, Lake County Workforce Development, Independence Center, and Northern Illinois Recovery Community Organization (NIRCO)

Follow @LakeCoILSheriff

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State of Connecticut

Action Areas Behavioral Health Diversion Racial and Ethnic Disparities

Last Updated


Connecticut is one of a handful of states that fund and administer jails and other core criminal justice functions at the state rather than the local level. Jails in Connecticut were taking a particularly heavy toll on people of color. The state saw wide racial and ethnic disparities within its population—in New Haven, African Americans made up 33% of the population but 56% of custodial arrests. Similar disparities were found in Bridgeport and Hartford.

Another concern for the state was the average length of pretrial detention, which averaged six weeks. Detention disrupts the lives of people’s families and communities. It leads to higher re-arrest rates and produces worse case outcomes, including future episodes of being held in jail.


The State of Connecticut advanced a number of strategies to rethink and redesign its criminal justice system so that it is more fair, just, and equitable for all. Specifically, the state implemented initiatives in the three largest cities, which had the highest rates of custodial arrests and concentration of communities of color: Bridgeport, Hartford, and New Haven.



In order to better address the racial disparities in Connecticut’s jails, the state expanded its implicit bias training program in New Haven, Bridgeport, and Hartford. The state also evaluated current racial and ethnic disparities to establish a baseline for improvement and identify additional reforms needed to reduce disparities.



The Collaborative Ongoing Review Team is a pretrial court processing pilot in New Haven aimed at diverting people from jail to community-based programming.



The Hartford Alternative to Arrest Project provided screening and referrals to detention alternatives for individuals with mental health, substance abuse, and housing needs.



The expanded Jail Diversion Substance Abuse program aimed to provide people with substance use disorders with access to court-based diversion to detox and residential treatment to avoid pretrial detention.

More Results

The pretrial court processing pilot in New Haven increased the number of defendants who are diverted to a community-based program instead of jail, and it reduced the length of stay by two weeks.

The Hartford Alternative to Arrest Project helped support roughly 800 individuals with mental health, substance abuse, and housing needs. These individuals were redirected to alternative services instead of jail.

Because of the expanded Jail Diversion Substance Abuse program, people with substance use disorders were provided with access to court-based diversion to detox and residential treatment to avoid pretrial detention.

Lead Agency

Connecticut Office of Policy and Management Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division


Department of Correction, Judicial Branch Courts, Judicial Branch Court Support Services Division, Division of Public Defender Services, Division of Criminal Justice (Prosecutors), Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Forensic Division, Connecticut Police Chiefs Association, City of Bridgeport Police, and the MALTA Justice Initiative.

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