Introducing the Challenge Network


Data Analysis Interagency Collaboration Jail Populations May 21, 2015

When the MacArthur Foundation announced the Safety and Justice Challenge competition in February of this year, we hoped to hear from jurisdictions across the country with the motivation and commitment to create meaningful criminal justice reform. We were looking for partners who would create solutions where our criminal justice system begins: on the local level, and in our jails. While we expected a strong show of enthusiasm for this project, we were overwhelmed by the response we received.

Nearly 200 applications were submitted from jurisdictions spanning 45 states and territories in response to our call for proposals. They exhibited a commitment to collaboration, an understanding of the need for homegrown solutions, a motivation to address racial fairness, and a widespread appetite for local reform. With the help of an external team of expert reviewers, we undertook the daunting task of selecting from among them to form the Safety and Justice Challenge Network.

The 20 Challenge Network sites announced today represent jurisdictions across America. They range in size from large cities like Los Angeles and New York to small localities like Mesa County, CO, and Pennington County, SD. Their jail capacities range from 239 beds in Mesa County to as many as 21,951 beds in Los Angeles County. Together, the jurisdictions represent 11 percent of the nation’s jails capacity, which means that the Challenge has the potential to have a direct impact on a large segment of today’s jails population.

In the next six months these Network jurisdictions will work in partnership with some of the nation’s leading criminal justice organizations—the Institute for State and Local Governance at the City University of New York, Center for Court Innovation, the Justice Management Institute, Justice System Partners, and the Vera Institute of Justice—to generate actionable plans for reducing incarceration and creating fairer and more effective local justice systems. They will focus on understanding who is in their jails, why, and whether there are racial or ethnic disparities in jail usage or experience. They will propose new approaches and innovations, including alternatives to incarceration as usual that can be developed, tested, and adopted on a larger scale. They will explore better ways of targeting resources and assessing risk, to ensure that confinement is used only where necessary. They will do all of this while maintaining an emphasis on public safety.

Many of these jurisdictions have made strides in local justice reform already. Their work in the next several months will explore how to build upon that progress. All sites will turn an eye toward collaboration across their justice systems, seeking to foster the partnerships among judges, law enforcement, prosecutors, defenders, and community leaders that are necessary for meaningful, lasting change.

The aim is that over time this collective work will create national demand for local justice reform as a means of reducing over-incarceration in America. We look forward to sharing our successes and what we learn as we go through this blog and websitewhich also hosts the latest research on jailsthat will serve as a home for the Challenge Network and as a source for the public to follow and participate in this necessary conversation.


Human Toll of Jail Jail Populations Pretrial and Bail May 14, 2015

Incarceration’s Front Door

The Vera Institute of Justice

Local jails, which exist in nearly every town and city in America, are built to hold people deemed too dangerous to release pending trial or at high risk of flight. This, however, is no longer primarily what jails do or whom they hold, as people too poor to post bail languish there and racial disparities disproportionately impact communities of color. This report reviews existing research and data to take a deeper look at our nation’s misuse of local jails and to determine how we arrived at this point. It also highlights jurisdictions that have taken steps to mitigate negative consequences, all with the aim of informing local policymakers and their constituents who are interested in reducing recidivism, improving public safety, and promoting stronger, healthier communities.

Additional Downloads


Interagency Collaboration Jail Populations Racial Disparities May 14, 2015

Incorporating Racial Equity into Criminal Justice Reform

The Sentencing Project

There are few areas of American society where racial disparities are as profound and as troubling as in the criminal justice system. This briefing paper provides an overview of racial disparities in the criminal justice system and a framework for developing and implementing remedies for these disparities. It describes the rationale for incorporating racial equity as a goal of an overall criminal justice reform strategy, documents trends in racial disparity and assesses the various causal factors that have produced these outcomes, and identifies a selection of best practices for addressing disparities. Along with recommendations for implementation, it also provides a guide for establishing rigorous metrics for success.

Issue Brief

Interagency Collaboration Jail Populations Mental Health May 14, 2015

When Political Will is Not Enough: Jails, Communities, and Persons With Mental Health Disorders (Policy Research Associates)

Policy Research Associates

Many solutions to address the overuse of jail to house people with serious mental illness exist, but a challenge facing local jurisdictions is how to put knowledge into practice. This white paper addresses how to capitalize on emergent evidence-based practices for community-based alternative services that can address the overuse of jails for people with serious mental illness. It focuses on how to use the Sequential Intercept Model—a schematic of the criminal justice system that is broken into five segments, or intercepts, where people with mental illness can be identified, diverted, treated and returned to the community—as a planning tool.


Interagency Collaboration Jail Populations Pretrial and Bail May 14, 2015

Reducing Reliance on Local Jails

Urban Institute

The causes of jail population increases and crowding are numerous, but most experts cite a rising number of pretrial detainees, the increased use of jails for housing persons who would otherwise be in state facilities, and a greater number of probation and parole violators as the key contributors to crowding. This paper synthesizes The Urban Institute’s experiences and lessons learned while evaluating local criminal justice system-reform efforts, along with knowledge of the literature pertaining to the topic. It provides an overview of the promising strategies emerging from the field, a logic model illustrating the necessary inputs and activities that are designed to yield reduced reliance on jails, and a recommended implementation and evaluation strategy of such a model.